Les 1013 images de la catégorie Reportages
  • HD-OPUS-2013 DSF4092-©-herve-all

    03/02/2021 44711 visites

    « The combination of risk and physical wizardry seemed a perfect match for the music. As for the Debussy Quartet, their feat can hardly be overstated. To play three quartets âx80“ the others were No 5 and No 11 âx80“ almost entirely from memory to such a level of intelligence and musicality would already be beyond most players. To do so while walking around barefoot, sometimes blindfolded, with 14 bodies jumping and leaping dangerously just inches away, renders one speechless. The joint trust between all, acrobats and musicians alike, was extraordinarily moving. Shostakovich would have thrilled to every second. » The Guardian

  • HD-OPUS-2013 DSF4617-©-herve-all

    03/02/2021 42961 visites

    « The combination of risk and physical wizardry seemed a perfect match for the music. As for the Debussy Quartet, their feat can hardly be overstated. To play three quartets âx80“ the others were No 5 and No 11 âx80“ almost entirely from memory to such a level of intelligence and musicality would already be beyond most players. To do so while walking around barefoot, sometimes blindfolded, with 14 bodies jumping and leaping dangerously just inches away, renders one speechless. The joint trust between all, acrobats and musicians alike, was extraordinarily moving. Shostakovich would have thrilled to every second. » The Guardian

  • HD-OPUS-2013 DSF3940-©-herve-all

    03/02/2021 45275 visites

    « The combination of risk and physical wizardry seemed a perfect match for the music. As for the Debussy Quartet, their feat can hardly be overstated. To play three quartets âx80“ the others were No 5 and No 11 âx80“ almost entirely from memory to such a level of intelligence and musicality would already be beyond most players. To do so while walking around barefoot, sometimes blindfolded, with 14 bodies jumping and leaping dangerously just inches away, renders one speechless. The joint trust between all, acrobats and musicians alike, was extraordinarily moving. Shostakovich would have thrilled to every second. » The Guardian

  • HD-OPUS-2013 DSF4182-©-herve-all

    03/02/2021 46960 visites

    « The combination of risk and physical wizardry seemed a perfect match for the music. As for the Debussy Quartet, their feat can hardly be overstated. To play three quartets âx80“ the others were No 5 and No 11 âx80“ almost entirely from memory to such a level of intelligence and musicality would already be beyond most players. To do so while walking around barefoot, sometimes blindfolded, with 14 bodies jumping and leaping dangerously just inches away, renders one speechless. The joint trust between all, acrobats and musicians alike, was extraordinarily moving. Shostakovich would have thrilled to every second. » The Guardian

  • HD-OPUS-2013 DSF4549-©-herve-all

    03/02/2021 44659 visites

    « The combination of risk and physical wizardry seemed a perfect match for the music. As for the Debussy Quartet, their feat can hardly be overstated. To play three quartets âx80“ the others were No 5 and No 11 âx80“ almost entirely from memory to such a level of intelligence and musicality would already be beyond most players. To do so while walking around barefoot, sometimes blindfolded, with 14 bodies jumping and leaping dangerously just inches away, renders one speechless. The joint trust between all, acrobats and musicians alike, was extraordinarily moving. Shostakovich would have thrilled to every second. » The Guardian

  • HD-OPUS-2013 DSF4446-©-herve-all

    03/02/2021 44636 visites

    « The combination of risk and physical wizardry seemed a perfect match for the music. As for the Debussy Quartet, their feat can hardly be overstated. To play three quartets âx80“ the others were No 5 and No 11 âx80“ almost entirely from memory to such a level of intelligence and musicality would already be beyond most players. To do so while walking around barefoot, sometimes blindfolded, with 14 bodies jumping and leaping dangerously just inches away, renders one speechless. The joint trust between all, acrobats and musicians alike, was extraordinarily moving. Shostakovich would have thrilled to every second. » The Guardian

  • HD-OPUS-2013 DSF4393-©-herve-all

    03/02/2021 44114 visites

    « The combination of risk and physical wizardry seemed a perfect match for the music. As for the Debussy Quartet, their feat can hardly be overstated. To play three quartets âx80“ the others were No 5 and No 11 âx80“ almost entirely from memory to such a level of intelligence and musicality would already be beyond most players. To do so while walking around barefoot, sometimes blindfolded, with 14 bodies jumping and leaping dangerously just inches away, renders one speechless. The joint trust between all, acrobats and musicians alike, was extraordinarily moving. Shostakovich would have thrilled to every second. » The Guardian

  • HD-OPUS-2013 DSF4673-©-herve-all

    03/02/2021 47402 visites

    « The combination of risk and physical wizardry seemed a perfect match for the music. As for the Debussy Quartet, their feat can hardly be overstated. To play three quartets âx80“ the others were No 5 and No 11 âx80“ almost entirely from memory to such a level of intelligence and musicality would already be beyond most players. To do so while walking around barefoot, sometimes blindfolded, with 14 bodies jumping and leaping dangerously just inches away, renders one speechless. The joint trust between all, acrobats and musicians alike, was extraordinarily moving. Shostakovich would have thrilled to every second. » The Guardian

  • ambiance 0521-herve-all

    01/02/2021 30383 visites

    Qu’est-ce que la fête ? Joseph Pieper dit  "Fêter, c'est exprimer d'une manière exceptionnelle notre accord avec le monde". En ces temps d’exception sous Covid-19 le monde s’en trouve resserré sur soi, la célébration n’est plus permise et la pression s’exerce dans notre chair. Immanquablement l’homme social se perd dans une confusion d’informations puis d’obligations restrictives devenant contradictoires. 


    L’homme est constitué tout autant de folie que de raison qu'il doit alimenter en même proportion s'il veut vivre et surtout s'épanouir. Et ces deux composantes sont indissociables comme la cigale et la fourmi en sont l'image et la fête et le travail, l'expression. 

    "Je travaillais ne vous déplaise. Vous travailliez ? J'en suis fort aise. Eh bien, dansez maintenant !" Jean de La Fontaine


    En ces temps de repli sur soi j’ai voulu me replonger dans mes archives photographiques à travers une décennie à photographier les artistes mais aussi en cherchant à traduire l’énergie qui se dégage de l’expérience de la musique Live, 

    Une expérience qui touche au sacré, à l’abandon, à l’immersion totale dans une puissance commune, celle de la vibration universelle, un langage sans frontière que seuls les artistes explorent et diffusent dans de grandes messes que l’on nomme tour à tour Teuf, Concert, Live, Show ou Festival. Je vous embrasse. Hervé ALLQu’est-ce que la fête ? Joseph Pieper dit  "Fêter, c'est exprimer d'une manière exceptionnelle notre accord avec le monde". En ces temps d’exception sous Covid-19 le monde s’en trouve resserré sur soi, la célébration n’est plus permise et la pression s’exerce dans notre chair. Immanquablement l’homme social se perd dans une confusion d’informations puis d’obligations restrictives devenant contradictoires. 


    L’homme est constitué tout autant de folie que de raison qu'il doit alimenter en même proportion s'il veut vivre et surtout s'épanouir. Et ces deux composantes sont indissociables comme la cigale et la fourmi en sont l'image et la fête et le travail, l'expression. 

    "Je travaillais ne vous déplaise. Vous travailliez ? J'en suis fort aise. Eh bien, dansez maintenant !" Jean de La Fontaine


    En ces temps de repli sur soi j’ai voulu me replonger dans mes archives photographiques à travers une décennie à photographier les artistes mais aussi en cherchant à traduire l’énergie qui se dégage de l’expérience de la musique Live, 

    Une expérience qui touche au sacré, à l’abandon, à l’immersion totale dans une puissance commune, celle de la vibration universelle, un langage sans frontière que seuls les artistes explorent et diffusent dans de grandes messes que l’on nomme tour à tour Teuf, Concert, Live, Show ou Festival. Je vous embrasse. Hervé ALL

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Hervé all photographe à Paris   

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