Les 20 images de la galerie associées au tag performing live.

  • Bruce Springsteen hand up

    25/08/2010 37937 visites

    Picture shows: Bruce Springsteen & The E. Street Band performing live at the festival "Les Vieilles Charrues" on 16 july 2009

  • Les Vieilles Charrues

    25/08/2010 38421 visites

    Picture shows: Bruce Springsteen & The E. Street Band performing live at the festival "Les Vieilles Charrues" on 16 july 2009

  • Bruce Springsteen - The Boss

    25/08/2010 38623 visites

    Picture shows: Bruce Springsteen & The E. Street Band performing live at the festival "Les Vieilles Charrues" on 16 july 2009

  • Tim Christensen portrait with guitar

    13/07/2010 14086 visites

    Tim Christensen of Dizzy Mizz Lizzy performing live at Roskilde festival, Denmark on July 02 2010.

  • Atmosphere of Dizzy Mizz Lizzy

    13/07/2010 13198 visites

    Audience atmosphere with Dizzy Mizz Lizzy performing live at Roskilde festival, Denmark on July 02 2010.

  • Dizzy Mizz Lizzy with audience at Roskilde

    13/07/2010 13075 visites

    Tim Christensen of Dizzy Mizz Lizzy performing live at Roskilde festival, Denmark on July 02 2010.

  • soren friis of Dizzy Mizz Lizzy

    13/07/2010 14513 visites

    soren friis (drums) performing live at Roskilde festival, Denmark on July 02 2010.

  • martin nielsen and Tim Christensen on stage

    13/07/2010 13489 visites

    martin nielsen (left, guitar bass) and Tim Christensen (vocal lead, guitar) performing live at Roskilde festival, Denmark on July 02 2010.

  • audience of Dizzy Mizz Lizzy

    13/07/2010 14064 visites

    Audience atmosphere with Dizzy Mizz Lizzy performing live at Roskilde festival, Denmark on July 02 2010.

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