Les 28 images de la galerie ajoutées le vendredi 29 janvier 2021.
  • Crowd for Gorillaz

    29/01/2021 31299 visites

    Qu’est-ce que la fête ? Joseph Pieper dit  "Fêter, c'est exprimer d'une manière exceptionnelle notre accord avec le monde". En ces temps d’exception sous Covid-19 le monde s’en trouve resserré sur soi, la célébration n’est plus permise et la pression s’exerce dans notre chair. Immanquablement l’homme social se perd dans une confusion d’informations puis d’obligations restrictives devenant contradictoires. 


    L’homme est constitué tout autant de folie que de raison qu'il doit alimenter en même proportion s'il veut vivre et surtout s'épanouir. Et ces deux composantes sont indissociables comme la cigale et la fourmi en sont l'image et la fête et le travail, l'expression. 

    "Je travaillais ne vous déplaise. Vous travailliez ? J'en suis fort aise. Eh bien, dansez maintenant !" Jean de La Fontaine


    En ces temps de repli sur soi j’ai voulu me replonger dans mes archives photographiques à travers une décennie à photographier les artistes mais aussi en cherchant à traduire l’énergie qui se dégage de l’expérience de la musique Live, 

    Une expérience qui touche au sacré, à l’abandon, à l’immersion totale dans une puissance commune, celle de la vibration universelle, un langage sans frontière que seuls les artistes explorent et diffusent dans de grandes messes que l’on nomme tour à tour Teuf, Concert, Live, Show ou Festival. Je vous embrasse. Hervé ALL

    Gorillaz perfoming live at Roskilde festival, Danemark. july 02 2010

  • Zinnias-NDF-2014-©-herve-all-11

    29/01/2021 41961 visites

    Les Nuits de Fourvière, Lyon, 2014

    Considered one of the most significant American artists of the 20th century, the self-taught Clementine Hunter produced thousands of paintings drawn from her own experiences working and living on a southern plantation. It was not until her 50s that Hunter made her foray into visual art, yet she painted extensively until just days before her death in 1988 at the age of 101. Robert Wilson first met Hunter at the age of 12 when he acquired one of her works, initiating a passionate love for Hunter's style as well as art collecting as a whole. Wilson acquired many more Hunter pieces throughout her celebrated career and first honored her with his conception of Zinnias: The Life of Clementine Hunter at Montclair State University, Montclair, New Jersey in 2013. A vibrant opera, Zinnias traces the life of the beloved Hunter throughout her long and inspiring life.

  • Zinnias-NDF-2014-©-herve-all-9

    29/01/2021 41879 visites

    Les Nuits de Fourvière, Lyon, 2014

    Considered one of the most significant American artists of the 20th century, the self-taught Clementine Hunter produced thousands of paintings drawn from her own experiences working and living on a southern plantation. It was not until her 50s that Hunter made her foray into visual art, yet she painted extensively until just days before her death in 1988 at the age of 101. Robert Wilson first met Hunter at the age of 12 when he acquired one of her works, initiating a passionate love for Hunter's style as well as art collecting as a whole. Wilson acquired many more Hunter pieces throughout her celebrated career and first honored her with his conception of Zinnias: The Life of Clementine Hunter at Montclair State University, Montclair, New Jersey in 2013. A vibrant opera, Zinnias traces the life of the beloved Hunter throughout her long and inspiring life.

  • Zinnias-NDF-2014-©-herve-all-7

    29/01/2021 40984 visites

    Les Nuits de Fourvière, Lyon, 2014

  • Zinnias-NDF-2014-©-herve-all-10

    29/01/2021 41325 visites

    Les Nuits de Fourvière, Lyon, 2014

  • Zinnias-NDF-2014-©-herve-all-6

    29/01/2021 40642 visites

    Les Nuits de Fourvière, Lyon, 2014

    Considered one of the most significant American artists of the 20th century, the self-taught Clementine Hunter produced thousands of paintings drawn from her own experiences working and living on a southern plantation. It was not until her 50s that Hunter made her foray into visual art, yet she painted extensively until just days before her death in 1988 at the age of 101. Robert Wilson first met Hunter at the age of 12 when he acquired one of her works, initiating a passionate love for Hunter's style as well as art collecting as a whole. Wilson acquired many more Hunter pieces throughout her celebrated career and first honored her with his conception of Zinnias: The Life of Clementine Hunter at Montclair State University, Montclair, New Jersey in 2013. A vibrant opera, Zinnias traces the life of the beloved Hunter throughout her long and inspiring life.

  • Zinnias-NDF-2014-©-herve-all-8

    29/01/2021 42168 visites

    Les Nuits de Fourvière, Lyon, 2014

  • Zinnias-NDF-2014-©-herve-all-5

    29/01/2021 40248 visites

    Les Nuits de Fourvière, Lyon, 2014

    Considered one of the most significant American artists of the 20th century, the self-taught Clementine Hunter produced thousands of paintings drawn from her own experiences working and living on a southern plantation. It was not until her 50s that Hunter made her foray into visual art, yet she painted extensively until just days before her death in 1988 at the age of 101. Robert Wilson first met Hunter at the age of 12 when he acquired one of her works, initiating a passionate love for Hunter's style as well as art collecting as a whole. Wilson acquired many more Hunter pieces throughout her celebrated career and first honored her with his conception of Zinnias: The Life of Clementine Hunter at Montclair State University, Montclair, New Jersey in 2013. A vibrant opera, Zinnias traces the life of the beloved Hunter throughout her long and inspiring life.

  • Zinnias-NDF-2014-©-herve-all-2

    29/01/2021 40970 visites

    Les Nuits de Fourvière, Lyon, 2014

    Considered one of the most significant American artists of the 20th century, the self-taught Clementine Hunter produced thousands of paintings drawn from her own experiences working and living on a southern plantation. It was not until her 50s that Hunter made her foray into visual art, yet she painted extensively until just days before her death in 1988 at the age of 101. Robert Wilson first met Hunter at the age of 12 when he acquired one of her works, initiating a passionate love for Hunter's style as well as art collecting as a whole. Wilson acquired many more Hunter pieces throughout her celebrated career and first honored her with his conception of Zinnias: The Life of Clementine Hunter at Montclair State University, Montclair, New Jersey in 2013. A vibrant opera, Zinnias traces the life of the beloved Hunter throughout her long and inspiring life.

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Artiste photographe à Lyon France. Banque d'images en ligne, reportage photo sur commande. Moteur de recherche photos, photographie plasticienne, archive, illustration numérique. Vente portraits artistes, vente photos musiciens. Ressource iconographique. Commandez vos photos immédiatement ou faites les vous livrer sur DVD. Copyright © 2010-2021 Hervé All pour tous les visuels. Stock photos, image collections.

Hervé all photographe à Paris   

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